Monday, May 25, 2015

The Democratic Primary is About Jobs and Tax Ratables

The Adrian Mapp administration is moving the city ahead on economic development.  This after 8 years of moving backwards, of scaring businesses and developers away from Plainfield because of incompetence and neglect. 

Many residents were asking me why all the other towns along the Raritan Valley rail line were getting developed.  And it was true.  Just drive through Fanwood, Garwood, Cranford and Union.  Or Somerville going west. 

Finally, and not by coincidence, we began seeing development action on the home front right after Mapp got elected as mayor.  He hired a reputable director for economic development in Carlos Sanchez.  He brought in a CFO known throughout the state for his expertise who cleaned up the financial mess left by the previous administration.  Crime is on a downward trend.  These steps and other business friendly initiatives have attracted investors back to Plainfield.

Economic development is important because it brings jobs, tax ratables and more shopping to Plainfield.  It will bring vitality to downtown Plainfield at night.  All this takes time but it is beginning to happen:
  • New buildings are going up near both of our train stations. 
  • Our downtown was designated a Transit Village by the state.
  • We finally have the one seat ride to and from Manhattan - off peak hours.
  • We are much more active in the Raritan Valley Rail Coalition, aiming for peak hour one seat service to Manhattan.
  • Our Planning Board now expedites development applications, attracting even more developers to town.
Plainfield just got the coveted Smart Growth award from New Jersey Future.  This is because we are concentrating new development around our train stations and protecting the character of our residential neighborhoods by keeping them low density for housing.  At Elmwood Gardens, a public housing project known for frequent criminal activity, we are knocking down the projects and building new units at a lower density.

All this points to a brighter future for Plainfield.  That is, if we embrace the changes necessary for progress.  On June 2, you can choose the Democrats in column C if you want Plainfield to continue down the path Mayor Mapp has set for Plainfield.  Any other choice is only going to deter Plainfield from being all it can be.

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