Saturday, July 8, 2017

More Progress in Plainfield - Our Roadways

There is legislation up for approval at the July City Council meeting to substantially advance our road paving program.  Here are the Second Ward streets on the 2017 Third Phase Roadway Program list:

Belvidere Ave, Ravine Road, East Ninth Street, Franklin Place,Putnam Ave, Crescent Ave, Sleepy Hollow Lane, Hilltop Rd, Hillside Ave

From the resolution:  "The Department of Public Works has begun utilizing several methods to improve the roadway conditions. With limited funding available, this cost cutting method is being utilized to achieve roadway restoration throughout the City of Plainfield.  

The street selection is based upon deterioration ratings and roadways that are not requiring total infrastructure improvements, such as; curbs, tree removal inlets, etc. 
What is meant by this language is that we can pave more streets if we cut back on improvements other than the actual paving.  There is, however, another resolution for July for $675,000 in concrete improvements.  I assume these will be done as needed instead of for the full lengths of streets paved.
The remaining streets for the project include but are not limited to the following:   

Randolph Road, , Hillcrest Ave, Geneva Place, Seneca Ave, Chelsea Blvd, Colonia Pl., St. Nicholas Ave, George Street, New Street, Hamilton Ave, Ransome Pl., Orchard Street, Berckman Street, Edwin Pl., McCrea Pl., Stelle Ave, Central Ave, Stillman Ave,  Madison Ave (from North Plainfield border to West Seventh Street) , Wiley Ave (from Edwin Pl. to E. Third Street), Grant Ave (from West Seventh Street to the South Plainfield border.
I'm not much into special character smiley faces but  for this occasion     :)