PMUA Rates
At last nights NAACP forum, John Campbell Jr stated that he has no problem with the PMUA rates. But there is a problem: many people, including seniors that Mr Campbell claims to sympathize with, can't afford the rates.
I have held a consistent position on PMUA rates. They must be lowered significantly. Not just for homeowners but for businesses. Our combined sewer and solid waste disposal rates are higher than almost anywhere. That is a disincentive to businesses to locate in Plainfield.
There are a number of ways that PMUA rates can be lowered:
- give residents the option of once a week pick-up
- arrange for the PMUA bill to be included in property taxes so the expense is tax deductible
- keep marketing PMUA services to other towns. This option works best in combination with the two above. Otherwise the PMUA rates are not competitive, unless rates offered for out of towners are lower than for our residents.
I have strongly advocated for replacement of PMUA commissioners with ones who understand they are responsible to the ratepayers, not politicians motivated by patronage appointments and million dollar retirement payments. Now we have new people in place. Lets not settle for the small rate reductions recently made.
Mr Campbell is a nice young man who aspires to a future in politics. But he needs to do more research on the issues affecting his would be constituents. We cannot afford City Council members who like the PMUA rates where they are today.